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Fake News Detection on Social Media: A Data Mining Perspective Fake News Detection on Social Media: A Data Mining Perspective paper | dataset Fake News detection 문제를 2가지 관점으로 본다 Characterization Detection Contribution Discuss narrow ans broad definitions of fake news that cover most existing definitions in the literature and further present the unique characteristics of fake news on social media and its implications compared with the traditional media Give ..
[cs224n] Lecture 4 Word Window Classification and Neural Networks Word Window Classification and Neural Networks Overview Classification background Updating word vectors for classificaiton Window classification & cross entropy derivation tips A single layer neural network Max-Margin loss ans backprop 지금까지 Skip-gram & CBOW 등을 이용한 Word2Vec 방법은 Unsupervised Method 였다. Goal: p(y∣x)=exp(Wyx)∑c=1Cexp(Wcx) p(y|x)=\frac{exp(W_yx)}{\sum_{c=1}^Cexp(W_cx)} p(y∣x)=∑c=1C​e..
Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information Word embedding 방법 중 FastText에 대한 리뷰입니다. paper | code Model Take into account morphology Consider subword units Represent words by a sum of its character n-grams skip-gram introduced by Mikolov et al. w∈{1,...,W}Maximize following log-likelihood∑t=1T∑c∈Ctlog⁡p(wc∣wt)\begin{gathered} w\in\{1, ..., W\} \\ \text{Maximize following log-likelihood} \\ \d..
[cs224n] Lecture 1 Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning 최근에 NLP 관련해서 stanford의 cs224n 강의를 듣게 됐다. 강의 하나씩 들으면서 간단하게 정리도 하면서 나중에 다시 볼 겸 블로그에 남기려고 한다. Plan What is Natural Language Processing? The nature of human language What is Deep Learning Why is language understanding difficult Intro to the application of Deep Learning of NLP What is Natural Language Processing? NLP Applications Spell checking, keyword ..