Class 썸네일형 리스트형 [cs224n] Lecture 9 Machine Translation and Advanced Recurrent LSTMs and GRUs Machine Translation and Advanced Recurrent LSTMs and GRUs [slide] [video] Gated Recurrent Units by Cho et al. (2014) Long-Short-Term-Memories by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997) Recap Word2Vec Jt(θ)=logσ(uoTvc)+∑j−P(w)[logσ(−ujTvc)]J_t(\theta)=\log{\sigma(u_o^Tv_c) + \sum_{j - P(w)}[\log{\sigma(-u_j^Tv_c)}]}Jt(θ)=logσ(uoTvc)+j−P(w)∑[logσ(−ujTvc)] GloVe J(θ)=12∑i,j=1Wf(Pij)(uiTvj−logPij.. [cs224n] Lecture 4 Word Window Classification and Neural Networks Word Window Classification and Neural Networks Overview Classification background Updating word vectors for classificaiton Window classification & cross entropy derivation tips A single layer neural network Max-Margin loss ans backprop 지금까지 Skip-gram & CBOW 등을 이용한 Word2Vec 방법은 Unsupervised Method 였다. Goal: p(y∣x)=exp(Wyx)∑c=1Cexp(Wcx) p(y|x)=\frac{exp(W_yx)}{\sum_{c=1}^Cexp(W_cx)} p(y∣x)=∑c=1Ce.. [cs224n] Lecture 1 Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning 최근에 NLP 관련해서 stanford의 cs224n 강의를 듣게 됐다. 강의 하나씩 들으면서 간단하게 정리도 하면서 나중에 다시 볼 겸 블로그에 남기려고 한다. Plan What is Natural Language Processing? The nature of human language What is Deep Learning Why is language understanding difficult Intro to the application of Deep Learning of NLP What is Natural Language Processing? NLP Applications Spell checking, keyword .. Algorithm 정리 Algorithm Algorithm Class 알고리즘 Algorithm Data Abstraction and Basic Data Structures Abstract Data Type(ADT) Binary Tree ADT Stack Queue Priority Queue Union-Find ADT for Disjoint Sets Operations Dictionary ADT Sorting Insertion Sortsource code Quick Sort Partition Merge Sort Heap Sort Heap Structure Partial order tree property Construct Heap Sorting Radix sort Startegy Sorting Data Abstraction a.. computer network 정리 Computer Network Computer Network 컴퓨터 네트워크 정리가 잘 되지 않는다. Computer Network The OSI Model and the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Protocol Layers TCP/IP Model Addressing Introduction to the Transport Layer Transport-Layer Services Transport-Layer Protocols Flow Control Flow Control 방법 Congestion Control Go-Back-N Selective-Repeat Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) TCP Connection Three-way handshake Flow con.. OS(Operating System) 정리 Operating System OS Operating System Class Review Operating System Computer systems organization(Resource Manager) Computer-system I/O operation I/O Structure Interrupt Difference between interrupt and trap Storage structure Computer systems architecture Multiprocessor memory model Operating systems structure Multiprogramming Operating system operation System Calls Types of system calls Operatin.. Data Structure, 자료구조 정리 Data Structure 이번에 졸업하면서 배웠던 과목들에 대해 정리중이다. Linked Lists Singly Linked List 연속적인 노드들로 이루어진 실체가 있는 Data Structure 각 노드들은 데이터와 다음 노트를 가리키는 링크를 저장 Insert at the Head Allocate a new Node Insert new element Have new node point to old head Update head to point to new node Removing at the Head Update head to point to next node in the list Allow garbage collector to reclaim the former first node Inserti.. 이전 1 다음